Themes 2024

Andrew Walkley – Using Mediation to Develop Great Outcomes 

In this presentation I will discuss the skill of mediation, which now features prominently in the CEFR.  I will discuss the benefits of considering mediation at all stages of lessons – especially where our goal is to enable genuine conversations and develop good learning practices. I will show how we make use of mediation in Outcomes (National Geographic Learning), show teachers how they might exploit mediation and dispel some myths and fears surrounding it.

Andrew Walkley – Better Listening Outcomes

In this session, I highlight the basics of listening: knowing language, hearing the language you know, and automaticity – matching meaning to sounds quickly. I’ll show how we can work on these basics through choosing language for clear conversational goals; through pronunciation and micro-listening tasks: through multiple listenings using varied tasks and mediation: and finally through speaking tasks and revision. The talk is illustrated with Outcomes third edition.

Flo Feast – New Close-up for Effective and Enjoyable Exam Preparation

It can be easy for learners (and teachers) to feel as though exam preparation is a drag. Completing exam paper after exam paper can easily sap motivation from us and from our students. In this session we’ll explore ways we can help our learners to prepare for those inevitable exams, but in ways which will engage our learners and get them actually enjoying the exam preparation process. In this talk we’ll utilise a range of tasks and activities as well as examples from National Geographic Learning’s New Close-up.

Liam Peach – Bizarre Britain: Holidays, Customs and Traditions

Britain is a country full of curious customs, odd observances and peculiar practices. Often very localised, many of these strange festivals and celebrations have been carried out for generations and still survive today. From runaway wheels of cheese to violent mass sports, these habits are uniquely British. Join Liam on a tour of some of Britain’s more eccentric local traditions.

Anastasia Mouser – Join the Adventure: Stories with Ready and Play

Across cultures, people tell stories to communicate ideas, feelings and experiences. Stories can teach lessons or spread news; they can make us laugh or bring us to tears. Good stories are always engaging, and what better way to teach and motivate young English learners with stories and storytelling? In the seminar Join the Adventure: Stories with Ready and Play, our Deputy Editor, Anastasia Mouser, invites you along to learn how to harness the power of stories in our magazinesto get students reading and telling stories of their own in English.

Mirjana Zubak Mičetić – The “Implementing AI: Magic School”

The “Implementing Magic of AI” workshop is designed to offer educators an in-depth introduction to the artificial intelligence tool Magic School. Tailored specifically for teachers, this lecture and hands-on workshop examines the logic and rules associated with integrating AI into daily educational practices. Participants will gain valuable insights into the advantages and disadvantages of the AI tool Magic School, as well as an understanding of its limitations and the diverse array of possibilities it presents within a singular tool. The workshop aims to mitigate burnout and streamline workloads by showcasing how AI can be effectively harnessed in an educational setting.

This interactive session includes practical activities intended for participants with a foundational understanding of technology, while also accommodating those less familiar with new emerging technologies. The workshop facilitates a seamless learning experience for all attendees, equipping them with the skills needed to implement AI in their educational career. 

David Fisher – Teaching is an Art Form

The session is led by David Fisher, director of The Bear Educational Theatre, Prague. In it he draws on his experience as a professional actor and director to draw comparisons between producing a theatre show and producing an English lesson. There will be examples of activities which combine entertainment with teaching, but the comparison of the two worlds will show how deeply the are linked. Teaching is not the same as entertaining, but it is very similar and there is no question that teaching deserves to be thought of as an art form.

Sylvie DolákováThe Power of Lapbook Art in Project-Based Language Education

Join us for an engaging workshop on project books for language and knowledge acquisition! Discover how incorporating art techniques enhances learners’ interest and manual skills through hands-on activities. Explore the benefits of project books (lapbooks) covering diverse subjects like science, history, literature, and mathematics – perfect for CLIL practice. Our goal is to equip you with practical examples and formats to elevate your lessons. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see live demonstrations of project books during the workshop. Let’s make learning an exciting journey together!

Zuzana Čerňáková – Jak pracovat s Cambridge One

Cambridge One je online prostředí pro práci s digitálními materiály nakladatelství Cambridge University Press. V tomto semináři vás provedeme prvními kroky k používání této platformy, představíme spektrum její funkčnosti a nabídneme tipy k jejímu optimálnímu využití při výuce i doma. Cambridge One = všechny vaše materiály na jednom místě.

Moderní online prostředí Cambridge One slouží jako pomocník při organizaci výuky. Administrátor, učitel i žák zde má k dispozici škálu vhodných nástrojů pro své digitální potřeby. Z tohoto semináře si odnesete informace o tom, jak vám Cambridge One může pomoci: – obohatit výuku – využít vaši učebnici na interaktivní tabuli – ušetřit čas s přípravou a známkováním domácích úloh – generovat písemné práce z probrané látky – monitorovat studijní výsledky jednotlivých žáků i celých tříd – práce s platformou offline Probereme také základy, jako je založení účtu a tvorba třídy. A zbyde i prostor pro vaše otázky.

Aglika Dobreva – Linguistic landscape

The talk focuses on the topic of linguistic landscape and suggests ideas for its implementation in ELT through a variety of tasks and tips for project work with university students who study English either as a major or a minor. Linguistic landscape awareness can be integrated in English language courses for students of different levels. ULL can boost language learning and development, critical thinking, intercultural communication skills, students’ independent learning.

Martina Weissbergerová – Impossible is Nothing if You Have the Right Mindset

We all believe that student and teacher motivation is important for successful language learning and teaching. We will discuss “Growth Mindset” and the impact it is having on student and teacher attitudes to learning. You will come away with answers to the following questions: What is “Growth Mindset”? Why should I know about it? Is it actually relevant to teaching and learning English? And how can having a “Growth Mindset” help learners and teachers work towards better results? You will get practical tips on how to motivate your learners and try plenty of activities.

Andrea Záhumenská – Exploring teacher motivation

At the heart of this workshop will be teachers, their motivation, dedication, and strategies for sustaining them. Within a supportive environment, they share insights, challenges, and successes from their teaching journeys.